happy - new possible
You can be happy.
If there is one thing to take from this article, it’s that it is possible for you to be happy. Yes, it requires effort and hard work, but the perseverance is a small price to pay for the ability to live a life filled with happiness. You can experience a happy life.
Our lives are made up of a range of different life experiences consisting of both huge life experiences in addition to the small minor events that take place every day. Whilst major life events are rare – they highly influence our perspective on life a lot more than our minor everyday experiences do.
Our souls learn by experiencing and through experiencing, we develop our mindsets and belief systems. A feedback loop exists within us; where we learn through experiences, which shape our thought patterns, which produce our emotions, which create our reality, which in turn creates our life experiences, and the loop continues. Whilst this is an unconscious process, we subconsciously find comfort in experiencing the same feedback loops. Many of us are unconsciously recreating painful situations that feel comfortable to us.
Take a second to reflect on your life. What feedback loops do you feel comfortable in? Are you able to be comfortable in feedback loops of happiness and joy? Or are feedback loops of pain and depression more present in your life? Are you consciously looking for joy or are you unconsciously seeking pain?
Negative feedback loops developed from major painful life experiences can make it common for people to reject positive feedback loops. It is these negative feedback loops that do not allow us to experience joy in the small day to day experiences of life.
The secret to happiness is to find joy in the ordinary everyday experience of life.
Joy is a choice. Allowing joy into your life is a choice. Regardless of what you have in your life or what you are experiencing, you must allow yourself to unconditionally choose joy.
The first step towards choosing joy is to remove blocks that stop us from experiencing and finding joy. What blocks are stopping you from experiencing joy whilst reading this article? What is stopping you from truly enjoying your next meal? What gets in the way of you feeling happy spending time with your loved ones? Perhaps it is anxiety or trauma or a negative feedback loop.
One way joy can be found is by reducing the sadness of the past. Every single person has their own hero’s journey – a hidden story of challenges, triumphs and experiences that makes them the unique individual that they are. It is your life story that helps you build your character and your strengths.
There are however many difficulties and setbacks an individual faces on their hero’s journey. The setbacks from our past are a major contributing factor to our negative belief systems. What past experiences have created certain beliefs within yourself? For example, has heartbreak made you believe that love is a painful experience? Do you feel unworthy because you have been abandoned?
Theta healing is a healing modality that uses the theta brain wave state to access and change your subconscious belief system. This allows people to reprogram their belief systems to allow themselves to unconditionally choose joy.
In order to release the sadness of your past, you must first accept the reality of your past – allow yourself to feel any feelings that come up with the process of acceptance. The next step is to choose to see the positives in every situation. Every experience is a lesson to be learned. What values are you working towards? What virtues have been developed through your painful experiences? What do you appreciate from situations? What benefits have you received through your experience?
Every experience has a benefit - even misery has benefits. For example, you may subconsciously be using misery as an excuse to stop pursuing your goals in order to avoid feeling like a failure. Or perhaps being in debt prevents you from feeling burdened by the responsibility that may come with financial prosperity.
Theta healing has allowed me to be uplifted from my past – you too can be uplifted from your past. In order to clear the fog of your past, you must start by making a choice to choose differently. Make a conscious decision to try to enjoy every life experience.
What prevents you from choosing differently? Perhaps it is your inner dialogue or your pride? What is stopping you from choosing calmness instead of anger? What choices are you choosing not to make? Not choosing to make a choice is also a choice. What choices are stopping you from enjoying the present moment?
Another block on joy that we experience is confusion. Life is a journey of constantly trying to figure things out.
There is a heavy societal pressure that makes people feel as if they have to have life ‘figured out’. This conditioning forces people to make decisions that they do not truly believe in and is unaligned with their soul’s wishes. These choices prevent us from experiencing joy.
The first thing to realise is that you are not alone in this - we are all in the same boat. We all sacrifice our true selves to be accepted. However, sacrificing ourselves prevents us from experiencing joy. In order to experience joy, you must unwind from societal values, prioritise your own values and prioritise your own well-being above societal norms. Spend some time reflecting on what is truly important to you. Where are you looking for approval, validation and recognition externally? Why do you need these externally? Once you have prioritised yourself and identified your values, you can now start rebuilding yourself. You can be your own life coach on a beautiful journey of self-discovery.
You may feel as if you’re going against the crowd by prioritising yourself, but this is completely okay. It is okay to be happy - even if everyone else is miserable. Have you been made to feel that you can only be happy sometimes? Do you feel any guilt for feeling happy when your loved ones are unhappy?
The truth is that sharing other people’s pain only increases their pain. Sharing your joy actually increases the amount of joy in the world. Take some time to reflect on what brings you joy. Which people bring joy to your life? What every day activities can you do to experience joy? What values bring you joy? Can you choose to find a vibe that reflects your joy?
The path to happiness starts with figuring out what prevents you from experiencing joy. You can then remove any blocks through various techniques such as self-reflection or theta healing.
In the meantime, you can start by choosing to choose differently in your everyday life. Remember that each choice you make can lead you back into suffering or it can lead you out of suffering. There is always a way out. There is always a choice that leads to joy!
Choose to see the positive in every experience and learn all the valuable lessons along the way. Choose to experience the joy that comes with self-discovery and growing as a person.
Allow yourself to see the light in every situation.
Allow yourself to find joy in the ordinary.
perhaps try one of my free guided theta healing meditations at https://soundcloud.com/de-la-luz